Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Fingers crossed...

Getting ready for surgery..
a bit nervous!
Well, I had my celiac plexus block yesterday (Monday).  I'm not feeling as well as I was hoping to feel after.  I had done some research Sunday night/Monday morning because I couldn't sleep because of the nerves and came across a few people who had said they felt instant relief.  So I was hoping for that.  The doctor said that I would feel worse before feeling better and that it would probably be around 4 days before I started to feel anything.  The side effects to this are nausea (oh joy!) and numb legs.  I am keeping my fingers crossed and not giving up hope yet!  

Right now my most pain is in my back where they went in.  I have 2 spots on my back.  The dressing is still on them so I haven't seen it yet.  I'm curious how big it is and if it will scar so that I will be able to continue connecting the dots now onto my back.  Many people collect different things; I have been collecting my arm bands that I get every time I go to the doctor or hospital.  I think I want to add to my "collections" how many different scars/battle wounds can I get from different surgeries.  

I was supposed to go back to work today but I'm not feeling well at all.  My legs are real numb and my back hurts sooo bad.  I am limping and walking real slow when I have to walk somewhere.  I am also very tired because I didn't sleep good at all.  I would sleep for about 30 min-an hour then be awake for awhile, even with taking pain meds! I can't get comfortable and I'm very restless.  I'm thankful that I am scheduled off work tomorrow because I have a doctors appointment, so I don't have to go back to work until Thursday.  This way I can hopefully relax as much as possible and hopefully get some sleep today and tomorrow. 

Tried to show how big
it really is.
Takes up half of my
I forgot to post in a previous blog post a picture of how big the Lidocaine patches are!  They're almost as big as my iPad!  I haven't really noticed a difference with them, but I continue to wear it just to be safe.  I have to wear it for 12 hours, take off for 12 hours, then back on for 12 hours, etc.  When I told the new doctor about these patches, she instantly said she didn't think they would work.  But, I am still wearing them just to see, especially if it would start working so that I can get a little bit more relief while I am at work. 

Flowers delivered to work
from my Store Manager
and associates.
Flowers and ballon, dinner,
cupcakes, and VS PINK
hoodie from Luis.
Thank you to everyone who made my 26th birthday so enjoyable!  I know that I was not looking forward to it at all, but it was definitely a good birthday!  Also, on the bright side, I will continue on my stepdads insurance on COBRA which eases my mind a lot!  Therefore, I'll have my work primary insurance and my stepdad's as a secondary for another 18 months!  A HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF!

My pills I take at night. 12 at
night and 7 in the morning.
This doesn't even include when
I take pain pills, either!
I know I said in a couple blog posts ago about how I am nauseous a lot at night.  Well, unfortunately, the nausea has gotten worse.  Especially starting Tuesday night (my birthday) through Friday.  I was vomitting so much and unfortunately still had to be at work and everything.  I had a big breakdown when I came home from work Wednesday night.  I went and changed out of my work clothes and just sat on the bed and started balling.  Luis heard me and came in and asked me what was wrong and was trying to comfort me.  I kept telling him I'm so sick of being nauseous, in pain, and the horrible hot flashes.  He finally calmed me down and made me some toast and I fell asleep.  But, I did tell him that there's no way I can take my medicine that night.  I DREAD taking my medicine every night because it makes me even more nauseous.  It's almost immediately after taking my medicine that I start feeling like that, too.    

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